MP INOX srl is located in the North East of Italy (Vicenza Region). Is present on the market for over 30 years in the production of machines and systems for the food sector and more specifically for the Dairy sector.
MP INOX designs, manufactures and installs systems for milk processing and the production of dairy products. The company pursues an industrial philosophy at the service of customers with a presence in well over 28 countries where MP INOX systems are appreciated for the perfection of construction and for the performances that the systems have over time. The company also offers customers a first-rate intervention service, to satisfy the needs of different clients.
MP INOX is now known for the high quality of its machines that we can find on the European, Extra-UE and of course Italian markets. Furthermore, the company continues to develop over the years tailor made solutions and machines designed to produce the most diverse products required by the market.
MPinox Srl
36035 Marano Vicentino
Vicenza · Italy
Via del Progresso, 54